[Top 15] Dota 2 Best Wallpapers That Look Freakin' Awesome

11 Dec 2023

In Dota, we appreciate heroes, couriers, and even wards but there is something that is missing. It’s the wallpapers and the beautiful artwork which transcends boundaries and resonates with everyone. Regardless of the hero in the artwork, we all can take a moment to appreciate the beautiful 15 Wallpapers mentioned below, along with their download links!

15. Sven

Look! Sven is showing off his brand new sword to you! Just kidding, he is about to strike you down with it. The black and white theme of this wallpaper diverts all your attention towards the red gem on the sword or the red ring, which are all well detailed, shaded and crafted. 


14. Skywrath Mage

The deadly Skywrath is seen reaching for you in this above wallpaper, as he calls for help or is in pursuit of you. The minute detailing that has gone in Sky’s armor and fingers are simply breathtaking. The muted colors and high contrast makes it one of the best wallpapers in Dota. 


13. Vengeful Spirit

Vengeful Spirit is a beautiful hero, there we said it. She deserves more wallpapers to highlight her beautiful features and especially her wings which are magnificent and a piece of art themselves. The way the light falls on her face is extremely well done, thoughtful and clean.


12. Pudge

Pudge is always the center of attention no matter what we talk about. So here’s a Pudge wallpaper for all you Pudge stans. His pose and expressions are extremely grimacing, you never see such vigor in your ally, Pudge. 


11. Abbadon

Show Abbadon some love, we know he is unbearable in pub games but his wallpapers do deserve the appreciation and love. This is a great example of a perfect Abbadon wallpaper, as it is an artwork of one of his skins, making him look badass. The color scheme and highlighting make it an epic piece of work.


10. Roshan

We feel like Roshan never gets any attention or love when it comes to wallpapers and artworks. He is all you need, a ferocious face, a monstrous body, and a grim pose that makes for a cool wallpaper! Look at the breathtaking shadows and details on his scales and even the splash of water on the chains, it’s mindblowing.


9. 3 Spirits

The spirit brothers are rarely seen together, unless someone draws them in an artwork! This is a great wallpaper if you main all the 3 spirits or are enthusiastic about them. The details of their subtle nuisances and charm are well translated into the wallpaper.


8. Juggernaut

The classic anime pose, strike down the enemy, and look away as they slowly collapse! The detailing on the rainfall is surely the selling point of this wallpaper, which combined with the detailing on Juggernaut’s hair, armor, and healing ward make him a deadly Samurai. Poor Roshan stood no chance versus the deadly Samurai. 


7. Heroes!

The light from Magnus’ spear illuminates the other heroes' faces and that's a smart way to do a wallpaper! All the ferocious heroes charge at what we think is supposedly the enemy team, their grim faces and postures make it evident that the other team has no chance to escape alive. I mean, look at the menacing Pudge face!


6. Jakiro

The twin-headed dragon knows no bounds! Although this is more of a minimal artwork wallpaper compared to the others on this list, this is a breath of fresh fire from the detailed ones! We must also appreciate the minimalistic wallpapers which also contain their fair share of detailing and highlighting.


5. Rubick

The Grand Magus himself! Rubick is seen casting his Fade Bolt at you, muting your powers and turning you into a lesser being. The green color scheme of this artwork makes it menacing, evil yet possesses a certain charm that only Rubick can manifest. 


4. Battle!

This vicious battle sees multiple heroes have at it with all their might and grit. The hellish golem of Warlock sets it all loose against the magnificent Naga Siren, which too is seen charging towards the likes of Slardar and Terrorblade. The deadly detailing on every aspect of this masterpiece is impeccable.


3. Lina

The fiery warrior Lina is majestic in her ways, which can be seen in the above wallpaper. She is kind and generous yet she is unforgiving and vicious, all of which is captured in this artwork. Her fiery soul can never be cooled down!


2. Luna

The depiction of shadows and light along with the positioning of Luna in this wallpaper is extremely thoughtful and excellent. The ferocity on Luna’s mount makes this wallpaper more picturesque! This looks like the beginning of an end before Luna eviscerates all the creeps!


1. Shadow Fiend

This splendid Shadow Fiend Wallpaper is extremely badass due to the shading and different subtle little details which end up adding a ton of value to it. It’s a piece of art. 


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