[Top 10] Dota 2 Best Female Heroes (Ranked Good To Best)

11 Dec 2023

Dota is one of the few games where the characters aren’t largely male-dominated. With a plethora of female characters that fulfill all roles, it’s easy to say that Dota has plenty of representation. These strong female heroes can give the male heroes a run for their money! 

We bring you the best 10 Female Heroes according to the current meta. These heroes are not only great but they are spread across different roles ranging from hard carry to hard support.

10. Marci

This literally silent but deadly assassin has shook the world with her mind-boggling and overpowered spells. Marci is one of the newest addition to the game, as seen in the anime she is quite the lethal force. Her spells do insane physical damage, but along with this, she can also be played in multiple different roles, depending on the matchup! She is often picked in the roaming position, due to the powerful spells like Dispose and Rebound! 

Why is Marci a great hero? 

  • She is a strong laner and can shove enemies off the lane
  • Low CD on spells
  • She can gank right from the early game
  • More level reliant as opposed to items

Items to buy on Marci

  • Aether Lens
  • Skull Basher
  • Armlet of Mordiggian
  • Blink Dagger
  • Crystalis
  • Solar Crest

See Marci in action!

9. Mirana

Mirana is a ranged agility hero who is considered to be a flexible pick, meaning it can be played in pretty much all roles. She proves to be a great pick against heroes with low armor and magic resistance. Picking Mirana with other heroes that can stun can lead to an immense lockdown potential. Along with this, she can also use her ultimate offensively or defensively, which provides a great layer of protection to her allies as well. 

Why is Mirana a great hero? 

  • Leap can be used to escape enemies.
  • Can use ultimate to initiate or help allies escape
  • Can be played flexibly in different roles
  • You can poke and shove enemies off the lane effortlessly

Items to Buy on Mirana 

  • Spirit Vessel
  • Lotus Orb
  • Force Staff
  • Eul’s Scepter
  • Mekansm

See Mirana in action!

8. Naga Siren


Emerging from the deep seas is a beautiful yet threatening entity whose voice can cure the worst diseases! Naga Siren deals some heavy physical damage right off the get-go, her looks can deceive you! Along with her damage, she can also lock enemies down with her net or the ultimate. You may pierce the ultimate with BKB, but with her Aghanim’s Scepter, you can’t pierce the net! She can pin you down and rip you into pieces with the assistance of her mirror illusions!

Why is Naga Siren a great hero? 

  • Great late-game hero, who can rip through most enemies
  • Immense disable and crowd control potential with Song of the Siren
  • Can farm and split push effortlessly with illusions 
  • Fares well in the laning stage

Items to Buy on Naga Siren

  • Diffusal Blade
  • Butterfly
  • Manta Style
  • Eye of Skadi
  • Heart of Tarrasque 
  • Aghanim’s Scepter

See Naga Siren in action!

7. Windranger

Behold the ranger of the gusts and the wild winds! Windranger is one of the few heroes who can be picked in any lane! No matter the position, she is known to deal some heavy damage or assist her allies in doing so! To utilize her to the full potential, she is picked in the middle lane, where she can thrive in most matchups due to the insane damage that she is known to dish out! Along with winning the lane, she can also dominate the middle and late game if she hits the right item timings!

Why is Windranger a great hero? 

  • High physical damage output with just a few items
  • Great stun-lock potential with Shackleshot
  • Can quickly farm and shove lanes
  • Flexible pick can be played in any role

Items to Buy on Windranger 

  • Monkey King Bar
  • Maelstorm
  • Black King Bar
  • Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard
  • Daedalus

See Windranger in action!

6. Luna


The Moon rider herself! Luna is essentially a beginner-friendly hero, but we frequently see it getting picked in both pub and pro games. The reason is her quick farming abilities and massive AoE damage output. Luna offers tremendous wave clearance, which returns her a great deal of gold. Luna farms fairly well in the early game and offers decent damage to her nearby allies. This is an example of great synergy, Luna can be picked alongside massive crowd control heroes. 

Why is Luna a great hero? 

  • Great wave clearing abilities.
  • Eclipse deals magic damage, which is essential for heroes with high armor/HP.
  • Immense farming potential thanks to the Moon Glaives passive.

Items to buy on Luna

  • Eye of Skadi
  • Satanic
  • Black King Bar
  • Butterfly 
  • Manta Style
  • Hurricane Pike

See Luna in action!

5. Phantom Assassin


All support heroes fear the presence of Phantom Assassin as she is known to obliterate them with only a few hits! She is agile and silent in her moves, as an assassin should be! Phantom Assassin is one of the most played heroes in the game. She has great base movement and attack speed, which is rarely found in a carry hero. Her spells may seem underwhelming in the early game but as she reaches the late game mark, she can do a lot with just one Stifling Dagger.

Why is Phantom Assassin a great hero? 

  • Has great mobility with the Phantom Strike spell, can be used both defensively and offensively.
  • The damage is supplemented with allies that provide armor reduction spells or abilities.
  • The Blur spell provides up to 50% evasion, which is a great spell in the early game.
  • Is capable of dealing over 2k critical damage!

Items to buy on Phantom Assassin

  • Desolator
  • Skull Basher
  • Satanic
  • Butterfly
  • Black King Bar
  • Monkey King Bar

See Phantom Assassin in action!

4. Crystal Maiden

This frost queen has captured lots of hearts in the game, she is known to be ruthless towards her enemies. Crystal Maiden is one of the least complex support heroes in the game, which explains her high pick rate. She can ward off enemies from the lane with her high DPS skills or farm the jungle if needed with her Frostbite. She is known to lockdown and deals heavy magical damage with her spells, making her brilliant right from the early game.

Why is Crystal Maiden a great hero? 

  • High magical output 
  • Can result in a rampage if used ultimate wisely
  • Global mana supply
  • High AoE spells that help her farm and clear waves fast

Items to buy on Crystal Maiden 

  • Force Staff
  • Glimmer Cape
  • Ghost Scepter
  • Black King Bar
  • Aghanim’s Scepter
  • Aeon Disk

See Crystal Maiden in action!

3. Drow Ranger


This skilled markswoman is very precise and deadly. Her cool and calm demeanor is deceiving due to her lethal force on the battlefield. Drow might be a slow laner but her late-game potential is unmatched. She can deal heavy damage with just a few items in her inventory! She can destroy enemies effortlessly as she acquires items and gains levels. Her ultimate makes her quite the menace to lane against! With just a few items, she can effortlessly deal insane damage to her enemies and their buildings! 

Why is Drow Ranger a great hero? 

  • High physical damage output
  • High base armor and movement speed
  • Can mow down towers and squishy heroes easily 
  • Great disabler
  • Aghanim’s Scepter works wonders on her

Items to buy on Drow Ranger

  • Hurricane Pike
  • Manta Style
  • Black King Bar
  • Silver Edge
  • Butterfly
  • Daedalus

See Drow Ranger in action!

2. Lina

You should never play with fire, you’ll end up losing! Lina smokes her enemies with her insane magical burst damage, there is no way you recover from this arson. Lina can be called a beginner-friendly hero but only the most experienced players can understand her true potential. She can rip through enemies effortlessly, with both her abilities and physical damage output. Her AoE spells can easily demolish squishy support heroes. High movement speed allows her to rotate through lanes quickly. 

Why is Lina a great hero? 

  • Immense magic burst potential.
  • Physical item build turns her into a turret.
  • AoE and wave clear spells that help her farm faster.
  • Can easily harass/kill enemy heroes after getting her ultimate.

Items to buy on Lina

  • Shadow Blade
  • Monkey King Bar
  • Aghanim’s Scepter
  • Scythe of Vyse
  • Eul’s Scepter
  • Black King Bar

See Lina in action!

1.  Medusa 

This serpentine warrior is quite hard to play against, her identity and prowess cement her as one of the most lethal heroes in the game. Medusa is an ultra late-game hero, even if her early game is disastrous, she can bounce back and turn the game around just with one fight. Her tankiness allows her to be the center of the fight without worrying much about her HP. If not ganked and ignored, she can obliterate enemies and win the game even with a 1v5 situation. Medusa farms fast than most other heroes in the game. 

Why is Medusa a great hero? 

  • Tanky right from the early game
  • Can split push and farm effortlessly with Split Shot
  • High physical damage output 
  • Can turn around fights with Stone Gaze

Items to buy on Medusa

  • Eye of Skadi
  • Butterfly
  • Daedalus
  • Hurricane Pike
  • Satanic
  • Monkey King Bar

See Medusa in action!

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