[Top 5] Dark Souls Remastered Best Beginner Builds That Are Excellent!

11 Dec 2023

Get off to a good start...

Builds are an essential part of mastering the challenge and mechanics that Dark Souls Remastered continually throws at the player. A continual investment in specific stats offers ever growing bonuses that can complimented by weapon and armor choices. It should go without saying, choice of stats provide different pros and cons. Below is a list of the best possible builds for a beginner on their adventure through Lordran. 


5. Pure Sorcery Build

A fascinating choice of build that is rooted in a solid mix of intelligence and dexterity. A level 40 soft cap of both is necessary to get the most of the arms and sorcery available. That being said, the fashion of the build is classy and compliments the attributes well. The Crown of the Dark Sun boost magic and pyro damage and the Dragon Bellicose Ring can offer sorcery much the same. Word to the wise: the crystal magic weapon buff is a game changer.

What Pure Sorcery Build Excels In:

  • Powerful casting
  • Reliable power stance-ing
  • Outstanding magic and pyro damage
  • Dark Bead… just… destroys

Build details:


4. Pure Faith Build

A build that nearly exclusively builds faith to an astonishing level 50, making most other statistics negligable. Though some investment in vitality and endurance are advised, the rest are not necessary. This extreme investment in faith unlocks breathtaking power in miracles, emit force and wrath of the gods are damage bombs to behold. The sunlight blade buff can turn many weapons in to killing machines, that’s not to forget the snazzy fashion this build is adorned with.

What Pure Faith Build Excels In:

  • Awesome projectiles and damage
  • Fabulous weapon buffs
  • Miracles can heal too, you know…
  • Devine and occult weapons only serve you well

Build details:


3. Pure Dexterity Build

Not the easiest of builds to make the best out of but ultimately worth the investment. Bringing Dexterity to 45 is a must and equally endurance, to get the most of the move sets dexterity can grant. The only other real must is a minor build of Strength to 16 just to assure some weapons can be grabbed. Movement and move sets are the boon to this build, be sure to make the most of them with full weapon upgrades for this brilliant build.

What Pure Dexterity Build  Excels In:

  • All the best weapons…and their ‘criticals’
  • Fast attack speeds with from high endurance
  • Surprisingly powerful pyro buffs
  • Adaptable to suit play styles

Build details:


2. Pure Strength Build

A build for heavy armor, heavy hitting and … heavy investment. In order to get the best of the great swords and heavy artillery a player can equip, expect to spend a lot of souls. Soft capping Strength at 40 is a must, but more so Endurance at 60 so as not to be slowed down. Beasty, heavy weapons like the Man-Serpent Greatsword, Demon Great Machete and Black Knight Sword will feel right at home with this build.  

What Pure Strength Build Excels In:

  • Can fast roll in heavy armor
  • Can soak up hits
  • Knockbacks, staggers guaranteed
  • One shot, two shot machine.

Build details:

1. Pure Quality Build

A build that is a safe bet to serve all beginners in their journey through Lordran or against fellow combatants online. Soft capping both strength and dexterity to 40 is the surest bet for a quality build, developing other stats can be left to the players discretion. Quality weapons such as a halberds, the Zweihander and the Balder Side Sword are brought to their most potent with this build. Invest in Endurance and this quality build becomes a melee master.

What Pure Quality Build Excels In:

  • Brilliant weapon scaling
  • Pyromancy makes a powerful back up
  • Knockback and stagger master
  • Strong attacks at their best

Build details:


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