[Top 25] Best Hearthstone Cards To Craft 2019/2020!

Best Hearthstone Cards To Craft 2019/2020!
11 Dec 2023

1.  Zilliax

What's awesome about Zilliax:

  • He is the most played card in the game
  • He offers healing to classes that can’t sustain themselves like hunter and rogue
  • He can be played as a strong buff when magnetizing him onto a mech


2.  Zephrys the Great

What's awesome about Zephrys the Great:

  • He is a staple card in all highlander decks
  • He can spot lethal and give you the card you need
  • He can serve as a board clear


3.  Khartut Defender

What's awesome about Khartut Defender:

  • He is a great defensive card
  • He can help you stabilize the game
  • Your opponent must attack him at least twice because of the reborn mechanic


4.  Sludge Slurper

What's awesome about Sludge Slurper:

  • He is used in almost every Shaman deck
  • He is a strong aggressive card
  • You get a lackey


5.  EVIL Cable Rat

What's awesome about EVIL Cable Rat:

  • He can give access to lackeys to all classes
  • He is used in token decks
  • He enables lackey synergies


6.  Mogu Fleshshaper

What's awesome about Mogu Fleshshaper:

  • It is really easy to reduce his cost
  • If you evolve him with “Mutate” you can summon strong minions for a lot less mana
  • You can remove an opponent’s minion before evolving him


7.  Siamat

What's awesome about Siamat:

  • He can remove an opponent’s minion while providing a big body
  • He can be played as a big taunt with divine shield
  • He can deal lots of damage if you choose windfury


8.  Mind Control Tech

What's awesome about Mind Control Tech:

  • He is strong against fast decks
  • He can single-handedly win you the game
  • He is mostly used in Quest Shaman decks, where his battlecry is triggered twice


9.  Questing Explorer

What's awesome about Questing Explorer:

  • She is a staple in all quest decks
  • She cycles your deck
  • She has strong stats and does not slow your tempo


10. Mutate

What's awesome about Mutate:

  • It can offer big tempo swings if played on particular minions
  • You can cheat out a lot of mana with it
  • You can get rid of bad deathrattles like Bomb Squad’s


11. Lifedrinker

What's awesome about Lifedrinker:

  • It can help you kill your opponent
  • He offers healing to classes that can’t sustain themselves like hunter and rogue
  • He can be a great “Mutate” target in Shaman decks


12. EVIL Miscreant

What's awesome about EVIL Miscreant:

  • He is one of the strongest Rogue cards
  • He can offer lots of value if you bounce him back with cards such as Shadowstep
  • He is used in almost every Rogue deck


13. Leeroy Jenkins

What's awesome about Leeroy Jenkins:

  • He is a staple card in every fast deck
  • He can provide you with lots of burst damage
  • He can be used as removal if necessary


14. EVIL Totem

What's awesome about EVIL Totem:

  • It will win you the game if your opponent can’t deal with him early
  • It can provide you with lots of battlecry minions, which are important in Quest Shaman
  • It can give you lots of value


15. Shadowstep

What's awesome about Shadowstep:

  • You can activate strong battlecries with it
  • You can heal you minions by replaying them with it
  • It is used in almost all Rogue decks


16. Corrupt the Waters

What's awesome about Corrupt the Waters:

  • This quest is really easy to complete
  • The upgraded hero power can give you a lot of value over time
  • It is arguably the best quest in the game


17. Sandstorm Elemental

What's awesome about Sandstorm Elemental:

  • It is really strong against aggressive decks
  • It serves as a board clear and also a fairly well-stated minion
  • It enables overload synergies


18. Shudderwock

What's awesome about Shudderwock:

  • This card can be used to make strong combos
  • It can also be used to gain a lot of value if you have played minions that generate cards
  • It can serve as a way to flood the board if you have played minions like Desert Hare


19. Secretkeeper

What's awesome about Secretkeeper:

  • She is one of the strongest one-drops in the game
  • She can snowball out of control
  • She is used in every deck that uses secrets


20. Weaponized Wasp

What's awesome about Weaponized Wasp:

  • It can serve as a small removal
  • It can give you some burst damage
  • It is really strong in Quest Shaman


21. Blink Fox

What's awesome about Blink Fox:

  • It is a well-stated three drop
  • It enables burgle synergies and can help complete the Rogue’s quest
  • It generates value


22. Vendetta

What's awesome about Vendetta:

  • It is  really easy to reduce its cost
  • It can offer you lots of tempo
  • It is a good removal option


23. Pharaoh Cat

What's awesome about Pharaoh Cat:

  • It is one of the strongest one drops in the game
  • There are many strong reborn minions it can give you
  • It can help you activate combo effects


24. Oasis Surger

What's awesome about Oasis Surger:

  • It is really strong, once you complete the Druid’s quest
  • It can remove 2 minions at the same time
  • It can be really mana efficient, providing you with 10/10 worth of stats for just 5 mana


25. Warpath

What's awesome about Warpath:

  • It can be very flexible and serve as both a small board clear and a big one
  • It is used in every control deck, the Warrior has
  • It can help you stabilize the game with ease


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