Assassin's Creed Origins: Chariots

Assassin's Creed Origins Chariots
11 Dec 2023

Chariots were first used by the Hittites, the biggest enemy of Egypt. Since then, they were used more and more in battles among countries in the Mediterranean and West Asia. Chariot races were a common thing in Egypt which were held in the Lageion Hippodrome in Kanopos.

They might not be the assassin’s first choice but will surely get you to your destination. Chariots tend to be faster than camels, but are similar speed as when you use only one horse. The Best time to use them is when fast travel is not available, and there is a long way ahead of you.

If you want to own one, the first thing you’ll do is go to the skill tree. Under the Seer, category look for the Chariot Owner ability. It’ll cost you 3 ability points, but there are abilities you have to unlock before that. Once you have upgraded the ability, you will be able to buy a chariot in every stable around the desert. 

1. War Chariot

The durable war chariot is the most common in Egypt.


This is the most common one, and you can attach more ammunition using quivers that are attached to the side of the chariot. Great if you are gonna use your bow while riding. Go to any stable to purchase this chariot.

2. Royal Chariot

Royal chariots are reserved for the greatest of the elite. Reinforced with shields, they offer sturdy protection to their riders, and their intimidating presence saps enemy morale.

Royal Chariot is mostly used by the elite part of the battle and it provides you with a great amount of shield. Great for fighting multiple enemies, since the chariot will make you very durable. Visiting stable you will be able to buy a Royal chariot.

3. Scout Chariot

Light and versatile, this vehicle is used for scouting missions and for chasing down fleed-footed enemies. Through its price is fair, it is nevertheless too expensive for all but noblemen and the richest of merchants

This Chariot is very light in weight and easy to control. Best to use this chariot is when chasing enemies. Just like the other two chariots, you can get this one at any stable in the game.

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