[Top 5] Assassin's Creed Black Flag Best Ships (And How To Get Them)

11 Dec 2023

Feeling the wind between your hair as you raise your arms to your side, can give you a feeling of immense freedom. I remember the exhilarating feeling - of telling myself - you can fly. Taking the necessary action by attempting to flap my wings like the bird I wanted to be.

Waking up and then realising that I am still on land…

Will you be able to show me that exhilarating feeling that I am missing? Captain, your life is short and journeying past the horizon is the only answer to our age-old question. Do you know what that question is? How do I find adventure? How do I seek my next journey? 

Assassin's Creed Blag Flag has taken those questions to heart! As they allow users to explore the seven seas. A virtual reality - and in an open-world setting - where the world is literally your oyster. So grab your map. 


Of course, before this adventure begins we need to find the best vessel possible. So we can adapt to sea currents. I mean we wouldn’t want to put our lives in danger! I mean, kill ourselves before the excitement even begins.

Well, behold as I give you the five best ships and how you can get them so we can start our journey and sail into forever...

5. (Legendary Ship) HMS Prince - Rain Mortar

''It isn’t a ghost ship - however, the ship is massive... ''


  • Speed: 3
  • Fire Power: 4
  • HP: 4
  • Cargo Capacity: 5

Beginning our journey we would have to start with the HMS Prince. Okay, to be honest, you cant obtain or take control of this ship however it was too powerful for me to just ignore.

As the story goes, you will be sailing the seven seas. In the distance as the lightning hits the ocean. You will see a ship, your crew calls out: ‘’It’s a ghost ship Captain’’. 

Well, let’s be real…

It isn’t a ghost ship - however, the ship is massive and once hit, it will take massive amounts of your health.

It seems as if every player’s strategy is to attack it at a close distance. It actually excels at destroying ships from a distance. It utilises something called Rain Mortar - a hail of fire cannons, that fall from the sky to inflict disastrous damage.

The only reason this ship is at number five and not number two - is because - you can’t actually own this ship or take it for a spin. You will only be able to admire it from a distance. Watch in awe! As it takes down another ship. There are definitely other legendary ships. This one however is the most nimble in the water. As it disappears and then comes back with each lightning strike. 

4. Man-o-War - Sea Brawler

''They have armour that could make even haters of ships stand and admire...''


  • Speed: 2
  • Fire Power: 5
  • HP: 3
  • Cargo Capacity: 4

With the ocean calm and the sky blue. I have taken on the initiative of making you aware that we do see in the distance a Man-o-War. Do you know what they are? They are the largest class of ships available in the game Captain. Do you suggest we engage?

They have armour that could make even haters of ships stand and admire, their insane firepower has made it one of the deadliest foes to take on. Imagine this ship on your side! Imagine riding waves and bullying the weak so you could get the crown of the pirate king!

For their size though, they are slow so choose wisely. Do you want brute strength or speed? 

I think we should take the chance and make her one of ours, You would need to attack the ship in order to take control of it. It does require very special and careful preparation. Any mistake could be the end of our ship. 

The best game plan moving forward would be to get very close, manoeuvre ourselves behind her and constantly chain shoot and ram. However, there is a cheat code available Captin. Watch the link below to find out more if you don’t wish to take the risk!

3. Frigates - Damage Takers


  • Speed: 3
  • Fire Power: 3
  • HP: 4
  • Cargo Capacity: 5

Taking control of these ships isn’t a difficult feat. You would simply just have to locate one, jump on board and sail. 

Pillaging one, however, is a different task as they normally have tones of guards. Depending actually on the size of the loot. 

These ladies are the second strongest class of ships. Their armour is usually tougher than their firepower but taking her lightly would be a mistake on your side. I have attached a link that allows you to feel the emotion when taking the boat out for a spin. 


When attacking a frigate understand that it can fire two powerful shots before it needs to reload. Keep in mind that when attacking them the best strategy is to creep up behind them, firing repeatedly, ramming them before gliding to the side and pumping them full of lead.

2. The  Schooner - Speedy & Agile Battler

''The Schooner is a class three warship''


  • Speed: 5
  • Fire Power: 3
  • HP: 3
  • Cargo Capacity: 1

With our deckhand shouting ‘’Land ahoy’’ we have come to number two!

The Schooner is a class three warship and although ranked by Ubisoft after the Frigate. The ship should be at number two solely based on its speed and the ability to outmanoeuvre its enemy.

The war vessel is used by the British, Spanish and Portuguese. They are nippy, agile and quick to take turns, which makes them excellent weapons when blasting enemies. The ship carries as little as five people and you can definitely see the advantage in that when attacking from the rear with your artillery. Why? Because you would be allowed to overpower an enemy with numbers.

Aside from having eight guns per side, they are equipped with fire barrels as well. 

Getting these ships is easy, simply attack, board and slaughter the crew!

 ''It can be upgraded with more cannons, stronger hulls, new abilities.''


  • Speed: 3  (+1 with upgrades)
  • Fire Power: 3 (+2 with upgrades)
  • HP: 3  (+1 with upgrades)
  • Cargo Capacity: 5

With the land insight, you look at your feet and try to remember the last time you actually felt this happy. 

We have reached number one and I know that the anticipation has been building. 

There however could only be one winner as it is the ship that the creators have lined up for the main protagonist - the main character - in the game. It can be upgraded with more cannons, stronger hulls, and new abilities - the further into the game you progress. The reason why this ship takes number one is simple. 

The new weapons and the ability to have an expandable crew make this ship a real contender when at sea. With the other perks being that more upgrades can be acquired through raiding, looting ships full of cargo for their goods. Unlike any of the other ships, the Jackdaw can actually be customised and be made into something special. So ready your sails as we find our treasure chest on a distant land. 

P.S. So as a reward for getting to the end of this - I have attached a link to get your boat upgraded quickly - check it out and get to pillaging. 

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