[Top 5] Assassin's Creed Black Flag Best Armor (And How To Get Them)

11 Dec 2023

Welcome back, Captain!

You have finally bought it! The feeling is indescribable as the curiosity courses through your veins. 

You get home and the feeling - it overwhelms you - as you rip open the seal, like a kid unwrapping his first gift on Christmas morning. The anticipation builds as you slide Assassin's Creed into the game station…

It loads…

The game works and just as you get into the missions, after escaping your attackers and hiding a few times in haystacks, of course. You are faced with the objective of taking on your first assassin's contract. It doesn’t go as planned though and you seem to be finding it difficult to progress as your armour may not be the best. 

Well, you’re in luck! For you have stumbled upon a treasure chest.

I give you the five best armours in Assassin's Creed, that will not only assist you but give you some extra perks so you can accomplish those pesky contracts with ease, reveal the rest of that map and become part of the secret society!

5. Enzio Auditores Robes - Collectable

Classic yet stylish robes for thee expert assassin


  • Durability: 2
  • Health: 3
  • Stealth: 2

Passed down from one generation to another, this amazing and rare costume   - although it stands out - has been used by many of the previous assassins in years past. Originally this suit was passed down from Giovanni to Enzio however it can now be synced into the Blag Flag database from the Ubisoft server. 

Basically, all you would require to have done was play the previous Assassin's Creed. You would then be able to download it from U-Play. I feel like this is a classic and it brings back the old feel with a new twist, wouldn’t you agree? It does look rather vintage!

4. Hunter Armour - Reduces Range of Detection

White Tigers make for awesome armor. 


  • Durability: 3
  • Health: 3
  • Stealth: 5

Collecting pelts could give you an edge. Try being invisible, to get more coins? 

The open-world gameplay is the best part of the Blag Flag game. It gives you the opportunity to attain an array of armors to use at your disposal. Eventually, when you have collected the necessary materials you can construct the outfits required. 

One of these armors is called the Hunter armor! It allows gamers to get close to wild animals without being detected. Just don’t make any sudden movements though. You might just be heard. 

You will require a White Jaguar as well as a Red Howler Monkey pelt but once you have these items accumulated - happy hunting Captain!

3. Stealth Armor - Boost of Health

Activate a stealth mode that makes you almost invisible.


  • Durability: 2
  • Health: 4
  • Stealth: 5

Jumping from rooftop to rooftop can be a drag. I even pushed a few soldiers off the rooftops just to entertain myself. Why not try to have fun? Crawling around corners and sneaking up on soldiers was so much fun.

Making our list at number three though, to help you with your ‘’mission impossible’’ type scenarios. I give you the stealth armor. The outfit gives you an extra edge, with a lower chance of being spotted and a boost of health. Just when they - your enemies - think you have died, - you rise from the dead like a Phoenix from the ashes…

You can unlock this armor by completing half of your assassin's contracts.

2. Templars Armour - Damage Decreaser

Slow down the amount of damage you take...


  • Durability: 4
  • Health: 3
  • Stealth: 3

Running into a hoard of troops can give you a dose of adrenaline. However, I like to slip into something more comfortable when taking on those Templars. It’s called the Templar Armour! 

Built for durability the outfit allows users when they get into fights, to get a decreased amount of damage so they can escape or even overpower their foe.

You would need to collect each of the five Templar keys to unlock the armor but in my opinion, it is definitely something worth getting. To get the Templar keys, you would have to go under a trial though - a journey for only the bravest - they are called Templar hunts. The armor is locked in the Great Inagua hideout. 

This is not for the faint-hearted as it is time-consuming but it could be very beneficial later in the game…

1. Mayan Armour - Reflects Bullets

Difficult foe? Try this armour to stop them in their tracks!


  • Durability: 5
  • Health: 5
  • Stealth: 3

At number one I had to give you the only outfit that can successfully repel ammunition. 

The armour is called Mayan Armour. It repels and acts as a shield by preventing a small percentage of bullets from actually inflicting damage. I found myself jumping from rooftop to rooftop actually looking for shooters to ambush. Just so I could test out the resistance. It really does work! 

You would have to complete sixteen different Stelae challenges in the Mayan Stelae activity but it assists you when the going gets tough.

When the objective is opening up the rest of your map - you will need all the help you can get and this armour sure does put the cherry on the cake.

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